I would like to share an important update regarding our esteemed colleague and business lead, Jelle.

17 Mar 2023, 08:14
I would like to share an important update regarding our esteemed colleague and business lead, Jelle. As many of you have noticed, Jelle has been less present in the public eye for the past year. Today, he finally felt that the time was ripe to talk openly about his situation, and consequently I would like to inform you all. Jelle has been battling Long Covid, which has greatly impacted his ability to work in his full capacity. Despite these challenges, he has shown tremendous strength and dedication in ensuring a smooth transition of his day-to-day responsibilities to Ryan and our business team. We want to express our profound gratitude to Jelle for his unwavering commitment to Dusk Network during this difficult time. His support and guidance have been instrumental in maintaining our progress and success. In an effort to raise awareness and support for those suffering from Long Covid, Jelle has shared his personal story on LinkedIn: We encourage you to read his post and, if possible, consider supporting the initiatives he mentions. We stand by Jelle and remain committed to supporting him during his journey towards recovery. The entire Dusk Network family is with him, and we look forward to the day when he can return to his full-time role.