I see what you mean, but @HDauven is spot on the money with this one.

16 Jun 2023, 15:58
I see what you mean, but @HDauven is spot on the money with this one. Regulations (like MiCA) and Directives are both created with the intention of harmonizing legislation and regulation across the whole bloc so that flowing rules in one country makes you coveted and eligible in all other countries too. Therefore there cannot be any exceptions or else it would undermine the purpose. Sometimes entire territories can get exceptions but that is super unique cases like Greenland or the Canary Islands. In the case of the pound issue, this comes from the Lisbon Treaty where the only way to get the UK to sign was to give them (and Denmark) a permanent opt out of the euro. However, this was a Treaty, so legally speaking it’s quite different Tia Regulation or a Directive. Good spot tho, and I see where you’re coming from. But in this case, no: no exceptions. Failure to implement MiCA will lead to Commission investigation and sanction.